



  • 1998
    imgS E

    Whose Line Is It Anyway?

    Whose Line Is It Anyway?

    7.77 1998 HD

    The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Not a talk show, not a sitcom, not a game show, Whose Line Is It Anyway? is a...

  • 2015
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    Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp

    Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp

    6.40 2015 HD

    It's the first day of camp in this outrageous prequel to the hilarious 2001 cult classic movie. And at Camp Firewood, anything can happen.

  • 2012
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    The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl

    7.90 2012 HD

    Chronicles the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history, in which the frenzied wheat boom of the Great Plow-Up, followed by a...

  • 1997
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    Lewis & Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery

    Lewis & Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery

    7.50 1997 HD

    Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery tells the remarkable story of the entire Corps of Discovery – not just of the two...

  • 2001
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    American Roots Music

    American Roots Music

    4.20 2001 HD

    Travel back through the 20th century to explore the roots of American music and discover the pioneers of the musical forms that combined on American...

  • 1994
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    The Stand

    The Stand

    6.80 1994 HD

    Stephen Kings storslåede serie er en undergangsvision, hvor de få overlevende efter en verdensomspændende epidemi må...

  • 2013
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    Orphan Black

    Orphan Black

    7.80 2013 HD

    Da Sarah er vidne til en kvindes selvmord, og kvinden ligner hende selv på en prik, overtager hun den afdødes identitet – og...

  • 1992
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    Batman - The Animated Series

    Batman - The Animated Series

    8.50 1992 HD

    Den kappeklædte helt kæmper med sine egne dæmoner og slås samtidig med Gothams mest berygtede skurke inklusive Jokeren,...

  • 2021
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    Squid Game

    Squid Game

    7.86 2021 HD

    Hundredvis af spillere i pengenød siger ja til en mystisk invitation om at dyste i børnelege. Der venter en fristende præmie, men...

  • 1990
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    Mr. Bean

    Mr. Bean

    8.00 1990 HD

    Mr. Bean gør hverdagens opgaver mere kaotiske end det synes muligt og han vil efterlade dig lamslået når han skaber...
