



  • 2015
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    Prințesa Stea contra Forțelor Răului

    Prințesa Stea contra Forțelor Răului

    8.40 2015 HD

    Războinicul intergalactic Star Butterfly sosește pe Pământ pentru a locui cu familia Diaz. Ea continuă să se lupte cu răufăcătorii din...

  • 1986
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    Bilele dragonului

    Bilele dragonului

    8.30 1986 HD

    Un băiat cu coadă de maimuță numit Son Goku este găsit de către un expert al artelor marțiale și crescut ca nepotul acestuia. Într-o...

  • 2011
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    A Thirty-Year Old's Health and Physical Education

    A Thirty-Year Old's Health and Physical Education

    6.10 2011 HD

    Hayao Imagawa is a 30 year-old virgin bachelor. One day, a cupid descends from heaven with the express purpose of forcing him to graduate from...

  • 2015
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    God Eater

    God Eater

    7.30 2015 HD

    In the early 2050s, unknown life forms called “Oracle cells” begin their uncontrolled consumption of all life on Earth. Their ravenous...

  • 2019
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    Steven Univers: Viitor

    Steven Univers: Viitor

    8.20 2019 HD

    After saving the universe, Steven is still at it, tying up every loose end. As he runs out of other people's problems to solve, he'll finally have to...

  • 2012
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    Liceul DxD

    Liceul DxD

    8.60 2012 HD

    Povestea se învârte în jurul lui Issei Hyōdō, un student în anul doi la liceu. Când iese la prima lui...

  • 2016
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    KONOSUBA - God's blessing on this wonderful world!

    KONOSUBA - God's blessing on this wonderful world!

    8.60 2016 HD

    After a traffic accident, Kazuma Sato’s disappointingly brief life was supposed to be over, but he wakes up to see a beautiful girl before...

  • 2012
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    LEGO Ninjago: Maeștrii Spinjitzu

    LEGO Ninjago: Maeștrii Spinjitzu

    7.90 2012 HD

    Maestrul sensei Wu recrutează patru tineri – Kai, Cole, Jay și Zane – și îi antrenează să devină ninja. Ei trebuie să...

  • 2019
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    Are You Lost?

    Are You Lost?

    8.00 2019 HD

    A disastrous school trip leaves four students stranded on an uninhabited island. Staying alive on a deserted island is easy for Homare, thanks to her...

  • 2009
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    The Cleveland Show

    The Cleveland Show

    5.86 2009 HD

    The bizarre adventures of Cleveland Brown and his family.
