



  • 2017
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    Just Between Lovers

    Just Between Lovers

    7.80 2017 HD

    Two survivors of a building collapse discover support and love in each other as they overcome the pain of loss and reconstruct a hopeful future.

  • 2019
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    Royal Nirvana

    Royal Nirvana

    9.10 2019 HD

    A story that follows a Crown Prince who faces enemies from all sides and falls in love with a maidservant who wants to kill him. He is a son simply...

  • 2009
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    High Kick Through The Roof

    High Kick Through The Roof

    7.10 2009 HD

    Two sisters, twenty-two and nine in age, lived all their lives with their father, deep in the country where even electricity is an unaffordable...

  • 2015
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    4.00 2015 HD

    Fair Princess Jungmyung lives a life of the highest privilege, until her half-brother Prince Gwanghae executes the rightful crown prince and usurps...

  • 2009
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    IRIS: Agenția secretă

    IRIS: Agenția secretă

    7.50 2009 HD

    Viețile a doi prieteni se schimbă definitiv când o organizație ultrasecretă îi recrutează pentru a apăra țara de pericole externe.

  • 2015
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    The Merchant: Gaekju 2015

    The Merchant: Gaekju 2015

    5.00 2015 HD

    Many great men come from humble beginnings. During the end of the tumultuous Chosun Dynasty, Chun Bong Sam is a poor peddler who inherits a run-down...

  • 2009
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    The Return of Iljimae

    The Return of Iljimae

    4.40 2009 HD

    The Return of Iljimae is a 2009 South Korean historical action television series, starring Jung Il-woo in the title role of Iljimae, Yoon Jin-seo,...

  • 2022
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    Suntem morți cu toții

    Suntem morți cu toții

    8.29 2022 HD

    Un liceu devine sursa unei epidemii de viruși zombi. Elevii blocați înăuntru trebuie să scape de acolo sau să devină unul dintre cei...

  • 2021
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    Jocul calamarului

    Jocul calamarului

    7.86 2021 HD

    Sute de jucători strâmtorați cu banii acceptă o invitație ciudată de a participa la un joc de copii. Înăuntru, îi așteaptă...

  • 2020
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    E nebună, dar e-a mea

    E nebună, dar e-a mea

    8.50 2020 HD

    O scriitoare antisocială își intersectează destinul cu un îngrijitor la ospiciu altruist, împreună cu care parcurge un drum...
