The Magic Hour
The Magic Hour7.50 2008 HD
A hustler who gets in trouble with a gang boss in the port town of Sukago agrees to make good with the don by putting him in contact with a...
Mr Vampire Saga 4
Mr Vampire Saga 47.10 1988 HD
A Taoist priest protests against the idea of a Buddhist priest being his neighbour. They often argue with each other until a vampire is at large and...
Hankyu Railways - A 15-Minute Miracle
Hankyu Railways - A 15-Minute Miracle6.40 2011 HD
"Hankyu Densha" follows the lives of various people who commute on Hankyu Railway's Imazu Line - connecting the cities of Nishinomiya and Takarazuka...
Fueled: The Man They Called "Pirate"
Fueled: The Man They Called "Pirate"7.80 2016 HD
In a time when the main source of energy was still coal, there was a man who saw the future in oil. Young Tetsuzo Kunioka who hails from Moji,...
96 hodín
96 hodín7.40 2008 HD
Bývalý špión Bryan súhlasí s cestou svojej sedemnásťročnej dcéry Kim do Paríža len...
They Live
They Live7.30 1988 HD
John Nada objaví, že mimozemské bytosti tajne ovládli svet a chcú ľudstvo zotročiť. Malý tím rebelov sa...
Psycho8.40 1960 HD
Marion Craneová, sekretárka z Phoenixu, chce zmeniť svoj život. Jej najväčšou túžbou je zanechať...
Mníchov7.20 2005 HD
Hrdinom príbehu je mladý Izraelčan, príslušník tajnej služby Avner, ktorý je rovnako ako...
Beetlejuice7.38 1988 HD
Adam a Barbara majú dovolenku, ktorú trávia vo svojom dome. Adam vytvára na pôde model ich mestečka. Barbara sa...
James Bond: Dnes neumieraj
James Bond: Dnes neumieraj6.00 2002 HD
Jamesa Bonda pri tajnej misii medzi Severnou a Južnou Kóreou zajmú. Našťastie, Angličania majú v zásobe...