



  • 1984
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    Muppet Babies

    Muppet Babies

    7.96 1984 HD

    The Muppet Babies (Kermit, Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzy and company) live in a large nursery watched over by Nanny. The babies have active imaginations, and...

  • 1981
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    The Swiss Family Robinson: Flone of the Mysterious Island

    The Swiss Family Robinson: Flone of the Mysterious Island

    7.80 1981 HD

    Flone and her family were on their way to Australia from Switzerland when their ship wrecked and they landed on an inhabited island. Relying on a...

  • 2013
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    Silver Spoon

    Silver Spoon

    7.70 2013 HD

    Yuugo Hachiken enrolled in Ooezo Agricultural High School for the reason that he could live in a dorm there. In some ways he chose Ooezo in an effort...

  • 1998
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    Sophie's Misfortunes

    Sophie's Misfortunes

    7.80 1998 HD

    The series recounts five difficult years in the life of young Sophie who goes on the conquer the world, endowed with exceptional character and...

  • 1989
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    Blue Blink

    Blue Blink

    10.00 1989 HD

    Blue Blink is a fantasy adventure anime series created by Osamu Tezuka. The anime is based from classic film Konjok-gorbunok by Ivan Ivanov-Vano. The...

  • 1981
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    6.93 1981 HD

    Známe veselé príbehy plné dobrodružstiev, ktoré sa odohrávajú v dedinke Šmolkov, kde sa...

  • 1969
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    Lietajúci cirkus Montyho Pythona

    Lietajúci cirkus Montyho Pythona

    8.20 1969 HD

    Nádherná a slobodná kavalkáda nonsensov, satirických skečov a britskych slovných a situačných hier...

  • 2005
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    Prison Break: Útek z väzenia

    Prison Break: Útek z väzenia

    8.07 2005 HD

    Prečo Michael Scofield, mladý, vzdelaný, vysoko inteligentný a finančne zaistený muž, prepadne banku? Prečo pri...

  • 2010
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    Walking Dead

    Walking Dead

    8.10 2010 HD

    Hlavný hrdina šerif Rick Grimes, ktorý sa prebudí z kómy do post-apokalyptického sveta, kde dominujú...

  • 2021
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    Hra na oliheň

    Hra na oliheň

    7.86 2021 HD

    Stovky hráčov na mizine príjmu zvláštnu pozvánku na detskú hru. Vnútri na nich čaká...
