



  • 1990
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    The Civil War

    The Civil War

    8.10 1990 HD

    A documentary on the American Civil War narrated by Ken Burns, covering the secession of the Confederacy to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

  • 2007
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    The Company

    The Company

    7.10 2007 HD

    The Company tells the thrilling story of Cold War CIA agents imprisoned in double lives, fighting an amoral, elusive, formidable enemy – and...

  • 2014
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    At This Hour with Kate Bolduan

    At This Hour with Kate Bolduan

    5.00 2014 HD

    Weekday news and discussion airing at 11am Eastern.

  • 1970
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    Lantern Hill

    Lantern Hill

    6.00 1970 HD

    Lantern Hill is a 1990 television film written and directed by filmmaker Kevin Sullivan and based on the novel by L.M. Montgomery Jane of Lantern...

  • 2017
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    The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War

    8.30 2017 HD

    An immersive 360-degree narrative telling the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. Featuring testimony from nearly...

  • 2006
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    Planéta Zem

    Planéta Zem

    8.60 2006 HD

    Zem je planétou extrémov od pólu k pólu. Tento seriál detailne skúma extrémne prostredie od večnej...

  • 1987
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    Star Trek: Nová generácia

    Star Trek: Nová generácia

    8.36 1987 HD

    Vo vzdialenej budúcnosti, v polovici 24. storočia - čo je asi dvesto rokov od čias, čo sa na svoju misiu v hlbokom vesmíre vydala...

  • 2020
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    The Last Dance

    The Last Dance

    8.20 2020 HD

    A 10-part documentary chronicling the untold story of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls dynasty with rare, never-before-seen footage and sound...

  • 2014
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    8.50 2014 HD

    Známy astrofyzik Neil deGrasse Tyson objasňuje víziu kozmu pri svojich plavbách vesmírom prostredníctvom nikdy...

  • 2020
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    Vychovaní vlkmi

    Vychovaní vlkmi

    7.50 2020 HD

    Dvaja androidi - Otec a Matka - sú poverení úlohou vychovať ľudské deti na záhadnej panenskej planéte....
