



  • 1995
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    Star Trek: Voyager

    Star Trek: Voyager

    7.80 1995 HD

    U.S.S. Voyager hneď pri svojej prvej misii, ktorá mala za úlohu objasniť zmiznutie Makistskej lodi s dôstojníkom...

  • 2000
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    7.10 2000 HD

    Kapitán Dylan Hunt a posádka vesmírnej lode Andromeda Ascedant sa vydali na misiu s cieľom obnoviť systém Commonwealth...

  • 2016
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    The Ranch

    The Ranch

    7.41 2016 HD

    Being a pro athlete didn't pan out for Colt. Now he's helping his dad and brother keep the ranch afloat, and figuring out how he fits into the family.

  • 2006
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    30 Rock

    30 Rock

    7.43 2006 HD

    Liz Lemon, the head writer for a late-night TV variety show in New York, tries to juggle all the egos around her while chasing her own dream.

  • 1993
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    Star Trek: Hlboký vesmír deväť

    Star Trek: Hlboký vesmír deväť

    7.88 1993 HD

    Príbeh z polovice 24. storočia, ktorý sleduje dobrodružstvo tímu dôstojníkov Spojenej federácie...

  • 2011
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    Homeland: Zradca

    Homeland: Zradca

    7.55 2011 HD

    Seržant americkej námornej pechoty Nicholas Brody sa po ôsmich rokoch vracia z irackého zajatia. Agentka CIA Carrie...

  • 2007
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    The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom

    The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom

    7.90 2007 HD

    Individual freedom is the dream of our age. It's what our leaders promise to give us, it defines how we think of ourselves and, repeatedly, we have...

  • 2014
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    The Leftovers

    The Leftovers

    7.60 2014 HD

    When 2% of the world's population abruptly disappears without explanation, the world struggles to understand just what they're supposed to do about...

  • 2014
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    Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories

    Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories

    7.44 2014 HD

    Tim and Eric's dark comedy anthology series.

  • 2004
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    Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

    Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

    7.93 2004 HD

    When the Hellmouth opens beneath Darkplace Hospital in downtown Romford, kiddy doctor, Vietnam veteran and ex-warlock Dr. Rick Dagless M.D. is the...
