



  • 1988
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    The Wonder Years

    The Wonder Years

    8.30 1988 HD

    The story of Kevin Arnold facing the trials and tribulations of youth while growing up during the 1960s and 70s. Told through narration from an adult...

  • 2003
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    Deti Duny

    Deti Duny

    7.00 2003 HD

    Po zvrhnutí rodu Harkonnenov vládu nad planétou Arrakis preberá rod Atreidov. Príbeh odzrkadľuje politiku,...

  • 2013
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    Ja a robot

    Ja a robot

    7.37 2013 HD

    V roku 2048 sa kvôli vývoju technológií zvýšila kriminalita o 400 percent. V rámci novej...

  • 2021
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    Elite Short Stories: Omar Ander Alexis

    Elite Short Stories: Omar Ander Alexis

    7.40 2021 HD

    Ander je v remisii, a tak robí cez leto psychickú podporu Alexis, ktorého spoznal počas chemoterapie.

  • 2017
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    7.10 2017 HD

    Príbeh sa sústredí na Cormoran Strikea, ktorý na vojenskej misii v Afganistane prišiel o kus pravej nohy a...

  • 2017
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    Made in Abyss

    Made in Abyss

    8.40 2017 HD

    Located in the center of a remote island, the Abyss is the last unexplored region, a huge and treacherous fathomless hole inhabited by strange...

  • 2005
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    Mock the Week

    Mock the Week

    6.97 2005 HD

    Mock the Week is a British topical celebrity panel game hosted by Dara Ó Briain. The game is influenced by improvised topical stand-up comedy,...

  • 2002
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    Top Gear

    Top Gear

    7.50 2002 HD

    Najslávnejší motoristický magazín sveta, ktorý pravidelne sledujú stovky miliónov...

  • 2021
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    Elite Short Stories: Nadia Guzmán

    Elite Short Stories: Nadia Guzmán

    7.23 2021 HD

    Nadia sa vracia do Španielska na sestrinu svadbu. Nemôže sa pritom ale rozhodnúť, či sa má stretnúť s...

  • 2023
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    Seven Gods, Two Demons

    Seven Gods, Two Demons

    8.50 2023 HD

    Seven brothers who are the sons of the Jade Emperor are sent to the mortal world to experience life as humans and learn about life's joys and...
