Félix et Ciboulette was a French language children's television show made in Quebec City, Quebec. It aired from 1985 to 1989. It was an educational series that aired from Monday to Friday on Télévision de Radio-Canada. Each segment lasted fifteen minutes and revolved around handyman Félix and his female cat Ciboulette. During each episode, Félix would teach Ciboulette about various things, ranging from history to science to agriculture. Although the show targeted children, the depth of educational content was beneficial even to the adult viewer. Other characters that sometimes appeared were the neighbour's black dog Noiraud Picard, a rural friend Raymond and his cousin, Ève. Apart from its educational content, Félix et Ciboulette promoted neighbourly behaviour, as well as understanding and tolerance for everyone. Both Félix and Ciboulette enjoyed dressing up to play tricks on each other, making the show pleasant as well as educational. In between segments played various short cartoons.